

天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞

必修是新课程标准改革中的一个名词,是课程结构调整中的一种课程类型。和必修相对的是选修。 按照规定必须学的,尤指取得学位或达到毕业要求必须学的必修课必修和选修,这是从课程计划中对课程实施的要求来区分的两种,下面是小编为大家整理的高中英语必修四unit3教案5篇,希望大家能有所收获!




1. Ss will be able to master the following useful new words and expressions.


fresh, organize, bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins

2. Ss will be able to know the basic knowledge about Earthquake


1. The usages of some words and expressions.

2. How to train the students’ reading ability in learning the text.




Step I lead-in

Let students see a short video and answer the questions

1.What happened in the video? Earthquakes

2.How do you feel seeing the plots(情节)? Students’ discussion.

Step II Fast reading

1. What is the passage mainly about? In Tangshan ,earthquakes happened on July 28th 1976

2. Skim the text and answer the questions

The type of writing (写作体裁)

Narrative writing

Topic sentence of Paragraph 1

Sentence 1

Topic sentence of Paragraph 2

Sentence 2

Topic sentence of Paragraph 3

Sentence 1

Topic sentence of Paragraph 4

Sentence 1

Step III Detailed reading

Ask students to read the text carefully and answer the questions

Task1: What were the nature signs of the coming earthquake?(选择)Para 1

1.Water in well( G ) 2. Well walls(D ) 3.Chickens &pigs(F ) 4 .Mice (A) 5.Fish(E ) 6. Bright lights( B) 7. Water pipes(C )

A. Ran out of fields B. in the sky C. Cracked and burst D. Deep cracks E. Jumped out of ponds

F. Too nervous to eat G. Rose and fell, fell and rose

Task 2 Fill in the blanks

Main Idea


Damage caused by


Para 2-3

At _____ am, the __________ earthquake of the 20th century began .

_______ burst from holes in the ground.

Hard hills of the rock became rivers of ____.

________ covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

Two _______ and most of the bridges fell.

The railway tracks were now _________pieces of _______.

______ now filled the wells instead of water.

Water,food,and ______________ were hard to get.

The reconstruction(重建) after the earthquake

Para 4

1. The army _____________

2. Workers ____________for survivors.

3._____________was taken to the city.


1. At 3:42 am, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century began.

2. Steam burst from holes in the ground.

3. Hard hills of the rock became rivers of dirt.

4. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

5. Two dams and most of the bridges fell.

6. The railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel.

7. Sand now filled the wells instead of water.

8. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.

Step IV consolidation (当堂巩固)

Let students fill the blanks according to the passage

Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days the water in the village wells kept rising and 1_________(fall). Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks 2___________ them. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. In 3_________farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous 4__________(eat). 5_________(mouse) ran out of the fields looking for places 6________(hide). Fish jumped out

Of their bowls and ponds. At about 3 am on July 28,1976, some people saw bright lights 7_________ the sky. The sound of planes could 8________(hear) outside the city of Tangshan even 9_________ no planes were in the sky.

In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. But the one million people of the city, ________thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.

1 falling 2 in 3 the 4 to eat 5 mice 6 to hide 7in 8 be heard 9when 10 who


Step V Post-reading-Activity: news report Group work(小组活动):






写作提纲 outline

新闻的标题 headline 简洁明了,吸引人

新闻的导语 introduction 新闻消息的第一句 揭示核心内容

新闻的主体 main body 对导语进行展开和阐释

结束语 conclusion 对全文概括总结






Step VI Homework: write a news report about Yushu earthquake.









1.________ vi. 爆裂;爆发

n. 突然破裂;爆发

2.________ n. 事件;大事

3.________ n. 废墟;毁灭

vt. 毁灭;使破产

4.________ adj. 极度的

5.________ vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭

6.________ vt. & vi. (使)震惊;震动

n. 休克;打击;震惊

7.________ n. & vt. 援救;营救

8.________ vt. 使陷入困境

n. 陷阱;困境

9.________ n. 灾难;灾祸

10.________ vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏

11.________ n. & vt. 损失;损害

12.________ n. 裁判员;法官

vt. 断定;判断;判决

13.________ vt. 损害;伤害→________ n. 伤害;损害→________ adj. 受伤的

14.________ n. 电;电流;电学→________ adj. 用电的;带电的→________ adj. 与电有关的;电学的

15.________ vt. 使惊吓;吓唬

→ ________ adj. 受惊的;受恐吓的

→ ________ adj. 令人恐惧的

16.____________ n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词

→ _____________ vt. 祝贺


1.a (great) number ________ 许多;大量的

2.dig ________ 掘出;发现

3.________ an end 结束;终结

4.right ________ 立刻;马上

5.as ________ 仿佛;好像

6.________ ruins 严重受损;破败不堪

7.think little ________ 轻视,满不在乎

8.tens ________ thousands of 数以万计

9.be proud ________ 以……自豪

10.judge ________ 从……判断

11.be trapped ________ 陷入

12.be buried ________ 埋头于

13.put ________ shelters 搭建避难所

14.get away ________ 离开

15.pay attention ________ 注意


EX.2 On seeing Jay Chow appear on the stage, the audience burst out _________ (cheer).

burst with anger/ joy


burst n.


a burst of laughter



n. 废墟,遗迹(常用复数形式);毁灭

be/lie in ruins


EX.1 All the towns were/lay in _____ (ruin) after the earthquake.


ruin oneself

ruin one’s health/fame/future

EX.2 过量吸烟损害健康,因此你应该戒烟。

Heavy smoking ruins your health, so you should give up smoking.

EX.3 用 ruin, destroy, damage填空:

① Her heart was slightly _______ as a result of her long illness.

② His life was ________ by drink.

③ The earthquake almost _______ all the bridges in this area.

3. injure vt.损害;伤害

______ n. 伤害

______ adj. 受伤的

________ 伤员


①The soldier was ______ in the arm in the war.

②She was ______ slightly in an accident during the work.

③This bright light will do great ______ to your eyes.

④I was very much ______ at his words.


1. I was shocked to hear that 17 people died in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.

2. I was shocked at the news that 17 people died in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.

3. I was shocked that 17 people died

in the explosion at a restaurant in Anhui.

excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, inspire, interest, move, please, puzzle, surprise, worry…

6. trap

vt. 使陷入困境

trap sb. into (doing) sth.

be trapped in

困在 ……中;陷在……中

EX.1 警察设圈套使他讲出实情。

The police trapped him into

telling the truth.

EX.2 对比练习


1) He ___________ (trap) in the traffic jam and felt helpless.

2) When he __________ (trap) in the traffic jam, he felt helpless.

3) When __________ (trap) in the traffic jam, he felt helpless.

n. 陷阱;困境

set a trap to do sth./for…


fall into a trap


7. bury vt.

找出含bury 的短语并翻译

① The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury

the dead.


② He has learnt to bury his feelings.


③ You’ll never solve your problems if you just bury your head in the sand----you have to face them.



④ She buried her face in her hands and wept.

bury one’s face in hands


be buried in/bury oneself in


EX.1 对比练习:


1. As he ____________ (bury) in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

2. As he __________ (bury) himself in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

3. _____ (bury) in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

4. ________(bury) himself in his study, he didn’t know that his classmates had left.

5. 8. right away

6. 立刻、马上

7. =right now/ at once/in no time

8. by the end of 到时候为止(常与_________连用)

9. EX.2 By the end of last month, he _________(learn) 3,000 English

10. words or so.

11. EX.3 我会用爱迪生的一句名言来结束。

12. I’ll end up with a famous saying from Edison.

13. 10. Review

14. a (great/large) number of +(pl.) n.

15. the number of+(pl.)n.

16. EX.1 The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities_________ (be) rising steadily since 1990.

17. EX.2 ----The number of students are in

18. the dining hall now.(改错)

19. ----Yes. The number of students

20. _____ (be) about 400.(填空)

21. 11. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.

22. leave 做使役动词,意为 ___________________

23. leave+宾语+宾补 {doing sth.

24. {done

25. {to do sth.

26. {adj. / adv. /介词短语

27. EX.1 You shouldn’t have left water ___________(run).

28. EX.2 She ran away _____________________

29. _______________. (她跑开了,留下她的男友

30. 一个人在雨中)

31. 12. It seemed as if the world was at an end!

32. → as if用于陈述语气中:

33. It looks as if it’s going to rain.

34. She closed her eyes as if she was tired.

35. → as if 用于虚拟语气中:

36. 1). She behaved as if nothing ______________(happen).

37. →as if___________ “似乎要做某事”

38. 2). He opened his mouth as if _________ something. (say)

39. 12. It seemed as if the world was at an end!

40. → as if用于陈述语气中:

41. It looks as if it’s going to rain.

42. She closed her eyes as if she was tired.

43. → as if 用于虚拟语气中:

44. 1). She behaved as if nothing ______________(happen).

45. →as if___________ “似乎要做某事”

46. 2). He opened his mouth as if _________ something. (say)

47. 13.Translate the following sentences:

48. 1). All hope was not lost.


50. 2). Not everyone has passed the exam.

51. 3). I don’t want both the ties.

52. 部分否定/半否定:

53. all/both/every... not...(not all/both/every…)

54. 意为:______________________

55. EX.1 ________ people can understand you.

56. = _____ people can _____understand you.

57. 并不是所有的人都能理解你。


no, never, none, neither, nobody,

nothing, no one, nowhere…

EX.2 这两个男孩对我们都不粗鲁。

Neither of the boys is rude to us.

Ⅳ. 巩固 考点作文串记

One night, everything began ___________ (shake), with the pipes _________ (burst) and the electricity cut off. It seemed that the world was ______ an end. Some people were ______ (injure), some buried in the _______ (ruin) and some missing. Judging from the situation, there were ______ number of ______ (trap) people waiting for the rescue. But all hope was not lost, ________ soldiers were soon sent to help ______. With the help of the soldiers, everything returned to _______ (peaceful).





1. Instructional objectives

By the end of the class, most students are able to:

1) Use the words and the phrases they learned to complete the tasks based on the text.

2) Pronounce correctly the new words (especially “carnival” )by themselves and with the help of the teacher.

3) More than half of the students can speak fluently and accurately about their views towards carnival in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.

2. Educational objectives

By the end of the class, students are able to:

Improve their cultural awareness from carnival and learn more about its influence on the western culture after class

3. Personal objectives:

1) Be confident of standing on the stage and speak clearly and spontaneously.

2) Encourage students to speak in the class with different kind of techniques.


Focal points:

By the end of the class, students are able to:

1) Improve the main reading skills through completing reading tasks in pair work and group work.

2) Use the table to finish their essay about their favorite film.

Difficult points:

By the end of the class, students are able to:

1) speak fluently and accurately about their favorite films in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.

2) Write a film review according to the table and the text.


Procedures and time allotment

Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning

T: Class begins!


T: Good afternoon, class!


T: Today, let’s come to Culture Corner. Module 4. Do you know Chinese festivals?


T: First, Work in groups, discuss and make a list of Chinese festivals in English. (1min).


T: OK, time is up. You know Chinese festivals?


T: very good. For example1.

New Year’s Day 元旦节 (1月1日)

2. Spring Festival 春节 (农历正月初一)

3. Lantern Festival 元宵节 (农历正月15)

4. the Qingming Festival 清明节 (4月5日)

5. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 (农历5月初五

6. Double-ninth Day 重阳节 (农历9月初九)

7.National Day 国庆节 (10月1日)

T: And festivals brought us much traditional knowledge. So, festival is beautiful. Do you know foreign festivals?


T: In the textbook, there are some festivals with pictures. Do you know the right descriptions about them?


T: This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out.


T: This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.


T: This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India.


T: This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter


T: Let’s watch a video. Can you guess what festival it is? .

T: They are dressed up in special clothes, and they are wear masks.


T: now, First question is how do people feel on this festival? Second is what festival is it?


T: Yes, very good. Now, let’s watch a video about Carnival.


T: what do you remember about carnival?


T: Where did it first?


Stage 2 Pre-reading

Step 1. Listen to the tape.

T: Let's listen to the following passage to learn more about carnival. Try to find out what places are mentioned in terms of carnival celebrations.



Step 2. Scan the passage and try to answer the questions.

T: What is the meaning of carnival?


T: Originally it meant “with no meat”but now it symbolizes “life”.

Step 3. Read the passage and match column A with column B.

T: OK, now I will give you 1 minute to read it again and then I will ask you some

Stage 3 While-reading

Step 1 Read the passage. Choose the best answers to the two sentences.

T: are you finish? Let’s look at the questions.

first question is Today Carnival has become a celebration of ____. Which one you choose?

A. freedom B. harvest C. life itself D. success


T: YES, very good. Next question is We need to _____ to understand what carnival is all about.

A. look at the history of America B. go to America

C. look at the meeting of two cultures---European and African D. Both A and C



Step 2 check whether the statements are true or false.

T: …

T: Now, let’s check.With the opening of huge farms and plantations, many Africans went to look for jobs in America., what’s your idea?


T: Do you agree?


T: Excellent, in paragraph 2, this marked the beginning of the slave trade. So the question 1 is False.

T: next question 2, The Europeans imported their festivals and later the slaves learned from them and added their traditions.


T: very good. This answer in paragraph 3.


T: question 3,The slave trade was abolished and the salves took over the carnival.


T: the last, With the passing of time, carnival became a festival of the black people only.


T:Exactly! Superb!

Step 3 Skimming for specific information

Task: Answer the questions according to the passage.

T: Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Next, we will read the text again to explore how the text organized. 3minutes, Let’s go!

T: Now, let’s check your answers. What is carnival today?

Ss:Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience.

T:The second question is Where were the slaves taken from ?

Ss:In Africa


T: Excellent!

Stage5 Post-reading

Discussion: Useful questions to make up dialogues

T: there have seven questions, useful questions to make up dialogues.

Have you dressed up in special clothes?

2 What did you wear? 3 How did you feel?

4 Did you eat special food?

5 Did you give or receive gifts?

6 Did you have a holiday from school?

7 Did you enjoy yourself with your family or friends?

T: I will divide the class into 3 students in a group. 3 minutes, 1, 2, begin!


T:Time is up. which one do you choose?


T: Yes, so the theme of Frankenstein is about science and humanity.

T: OK, next group, do you have other answer?




Do exercises on Page 37-38.


Period 1&2 warming up and reading

Teaching Aims:

1.Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview

2. Enable the students to learn some reading strategies

3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job

Important Points and difficult points

Learn about how to be a good reporter

Teaching methods

Strategic reading method; Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China Daily?

Types of jobs What it involves


Task2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the text?

II. Prediction (pre-reading):

Task 3: Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:

1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have?

(Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)

2. What your first day at school was like? How would you feel on your first day at work? (Group discussion)

III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading & Comprehending)

Task 4: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.

Task 5: Divide the passage into three sections and match the following main ideas to the three sections:

How to get an accurate story

How to protect a story from accusations

How to become a reporter

The skills needed

The importance of listening

Stages in researching a story

How to check facts

How to deal with accusations of printing lies

Work in a team

Task 6 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form below

Task 7: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer

patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professional

A reporter A photographer

IV. Summarizing

Task 8: Write a summary of the text

V. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

Period 3&4 Words & Expressions

Teaching Aims:

Get the students to know how to use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately

Important Points and difficult points

Use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately

Teaching methods

Demonstrating and summarizing; practicing

Teaching procedures:

1. occupation n.

1). Teaching is my occupation. 职业

2). Swimming is my occupation. 使…忙碌的事情;消遣

occupy v.


occupy oneself in/with sth.

employment; occupation; job; profession; vocation; work; trade

He is looking around for .

: artist

He is out of .

She chose teaching as her .

She’s a lawyer by .

He’s a carpenter by .

2. assign v.

assignment n.

She gladly accepted the assignment. (分派的任务;工作)

The English assignment is a book report. (课外作业,功课)

3. on one’s own

of one’s own

for one’s own

We should complete the test _________

4. experienced adj.

be experienced in/at sth/doing sth.

Who is experienced in cooking in your home?

5. The first/last time + 时间状语从句

The first time I came here, I was not used to the climate here.

Cover n. 封面,掩盖(物) ;


1). Tom will covered the outbreak of the disease.

2). The road was covered with snow.

3). She laughed to cover her worry.

4). The red army covered about 30 miles a day.

5). Is the money enough to cover the cost of a new shirt?

7. Be eager for sth. (sucess)

to do sth.

that clause

He is eager to see his daughter.

We are eager that the project should be started early

be anxious about =be worried about

8. Concentrate on sth./doing sth.

We should concentrate on our study.

Tom is concentrating on fishing.

9. of +抽象名词(importance; value; use; help; benefit)

of special interest=

of no use=

The meeting is of great importance.


Each minute is _____ for us.

of greatly valuable

great valuable

of great value

for much value

10. acquire; get; gain

1). I sat in the front of the bus to ___ _ a good view of the countryside.

2). Gradually we _______ experience in how to do the work.

3). They _____the victory after a bloody battle.

11. have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏

She has an ear for music. 有鉴赏能力

She has an eye for color and style in clothes. 有眼光

12. Meanwhile=in the meanwhile

=in the meantime

=at the same time

Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house

13. trade n. v.

1). Japan does lots of trade with the United States.

2). He is a shoemaker by trade.

3). She trades 3 apples for some bananas.

14. Trick

1). 窍门,手法

2). play a trick(joke)on sb.

=make fun of sb. (玩笑,恶作剧)

3). He got into the building by a trick (诡计,花招)

15. Challenge

1).He challenge my view on that matter.

2).To finish the job in 2 days was a real challenge.

16. Support

n. 1).I need your support.

v. 1)为…提供证据,证实

2) The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.

3). He has always supported the weaker party.

4). He has a large family to support.

17. Case

1).He thought he had solved the problem , but that was not the case.

2).Here is a case of being careless.

3).We will look into that case.

in case of sth. 如果,万一…

in that/this case 在那样/这样情况下

in no case 决不

in case + 从句 以防;可能;倘若

Take an umbrella in case it rains.

(in case 从句常用一般现在时表将来, 或should+do)

17. accuse sb. of sth.

=charge sb. with sth.

Tom ____ his boss of having broken his word.





18. so as to do sth. 只能在句末

= in order to do sth.

=so that + 从句

= in order that + 从句

I got up at five so as to catch the train


19. admit

admit doing /having done

admit sb. Into/to (the university)

Lily finally admitted___ my umbrella by mistake.

to take

to have taken

having taken

have taken

20. n. adj.

profession professional 具有….特点

Finish Ex 3 on Page 29


Finish Ex1 and Ex 2 on Page 28 and Ex 3 on Page 29 (Discovering useful words and expressions)

Finish Ex 2 , Ex3 on Page 63 and Ex4 on Page 64 (Using words and expressions) in Workbook.

Period 5 Grammar

Teaching Aims:

Get the students to use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately

Important Points and difficult points

Use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately

Teaching methods

Task-based method; Demonstrating; discussion; summarizing; practicing

Teaching procedures:

I. Presentation

Task 1: Comprehend the following sentences

Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.

=I began my work on designing a new bridge only then.

2. Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.

=There was not only a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.

Inversion: 起强调作用

II. Analyzing & summarizing

Task 2: Find 4 examples of inversion in the reading passage

1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.

2. Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.

3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university.

4. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know

Task 3: Analyze the sentences above and summarize the rules

1. Why can these sentences use inversion ?

2. How are these inverted sentences made?

※ 否定副词no;not;hardly, little, seldom, never, no sooner…than, no more, not only, only 等开头的句子要部分倒装。

※ 部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(如助动词\情态动词)等放到主语前,或把句子的强调部分提前。

Task 4: Analyze more sentences below and summarize the rules

1) Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.

※ 如含有从句,只要求主句倒装

2) ______,there was no hope of her being able to sleep.

As she was exhausted

If she was exhausted

Exhausted as she was

Now that she was exhausted

※ 当as(尽管)引导让步状语时,要部分倒装

3) . I often go out for a walk after supper. So does she.

4). If you don’t wait for him, nor shall I.

※ 当so, neither, nor表示另一者也具有前面所述的情况时,要部分倒装.

III. Practice

Task 5:Do Exercise 3 on Page 30 (“Discovering Structures”)

IV. Analyzing & summarizing

Task 6: Analyze sentences below and summarize the rules

1). There appeared a man in black in the distance.

2). Under the tree sits a beautiful girl.

Inversion(倒装) → 部分倒装

↘ 完全倒装

※ 以地点副词here, there, down, under和时间副词now, then开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而且主语是名词时,构成完全倒装句.

※ 完全倒装:把整个谓语动词放到主语之前

3)The teacher came in and the class began.

=In came the teacher and the class began

4).____ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.

A. Jumped down the thief

B. Down the thief jumped

C. The thief jumps down

D. Down jumped the thief

5). Here we are.

※ 在here, there引出的倒装句中,当主语是普通名词是用完全倒装句,当主语是代词时,则用陈述句语序(主+谓)

V. Assignment:

Do Exercise 1 on Page 64 (“Using Structures” in Workbook)

Period 6 Extensive Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source

2. Enable the students to consolidate some reading strategies

3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job

Important Points and difficult points

Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source

Teaching methods

Strategic reading method; Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task1.Review the types of jobs in a newspaper

Task2. Talk about the process of making a newspaper? (Group discussion)

Give the following hints when needed: interview; do some research; write a story; check the article written by a reporter; print the first edition; set the page; check again

II. Skimming and summarizing

Task 3: Read and fill in the form

Task 4: Learn some words and expressions

1. Accurate 准确,精确

1) Is this watch accurate?

2) His information was accurate

2. set to sth./doing sth. 开始做某事

=get down to sth./doing sth

1). As soon as I got home, I set to preparing supper.

2). They’ll set to the project, as soon as it is approved.

※ Look forward to…, devote… to…, be/get used to…, lead to…, prefer…to…, pay attention to…, object to…

3. approve vi. (approval n.)

approve of sth./doing sth.

=agree to/on/with

1).Your parents won’t approve of your going there. = agree on

2).I cannot agree to this plan. =approval of

4. process v. 加工,处理

1) The street is in the process of repair

2). They are using a new process to make glass.

process food adj. 加工过的,处理的

Task 5: Retell the main process of making a newspaper

III. Read the passage on page65 (“Reading Task) and answer the following questions

IV. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

Period 7 Listening and Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. learn how to make an appointment

2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking skill

Important Points and difficult points

Learn how to make an appointment

Teaching methods

Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration & prediction: get the students to predict what they will listen to and elaborate the topic to their known knowledge.

Task 1: Go over Ex1 on Page 31 and guess what they will listen to on the tape.(group discussion)

II. Listening

Task 2: Listen and circle the correct summary of the listening passage.

This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu Ming.

This is about a young man who is trying to arrange in interview with Liu Ming.

This is about a young man who wants to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.

Task 3: Listen to the tape again and answer questions on Page 32.

Task 4: Listen to the tape again and try to note down the dialogue (pair work)

Task5: Role-play the dialogue and elect the best actors (the most similar to the original dialogue)

III. Speaking and Listeningwww.xkb1.com

Discuss the phrase that may be used in making appointments (input)

Shall we make an appointment? How about…?

When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you?

Is it possible to…? I shall be busy at… and… but I can be free at…

Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at…

Task 6: Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex3 on Page 32

Task 7: Listen to the tape and do Ex 1 and Ex2 (LISTENING)) on Page 62.

IV. Assignment

Work in pairs. Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex 1 (TALKING) on Page 62



1. 开展学生活动,发挥主体作用


2. 实施情景教学,统合三维目标


3. 转变学习方式,增强教学效果

新课程要求提倡自主、合作、探究的学习方式,发挥学生的主体性、能动性和独立性,本课设计通过自学课本,小组讨论,综合分析,角色扮演等活动, 为学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习提供了空间,使学生体验了自主之乐,合作之趣,探究之悦,促进了学生知识的构建与运用,能力的培养和提高,情感体验和态度、价值观的形成,增强了教学效果。

4. 运用问题教学,启发学生思维




本单元教学内容为人教版新课标Module 5 Unit 3 Life in the future。本单元的中心话题是“未来生活”,教材内容为学生提供了想象的空间,旨在培养学生预测未来的能力,通过对现实生活与未来生活的对比,唤醒学生把握现在,珍惜现在,爱护环境,保护自然的意识。

第一篇Reading文章主要讲述主人公Li Qiang在时空旅行前、时空旅行中及时空旅行后的所见所想。第二篇则主要记叙了Li Qiang在太空站认识的两个非常特别的太空生物,并将两个生物的特征进行了对比。两篇阅读文章都是科幻型阅读,旨在唤起学生的想象力,培养学生对未来生活的预测。语法部分则延续了课文内容,通过作者对未来生活态度的讨论引出过去分词做状语及定语的用法,并以短文填空的形式来巩固文章生词的用法。听力部分则描绘了一个拥有高新科技的wonderland,表明了人类对美好生活的追求与幻想,并最终通过口语情景设置锻炼学生综合运用英语的能力与技巧,从而对未来生活进行更细致的预测。



1. 认知基础:高一学生基本上能用英语清晰地表达个人观点,准确地描绘


2. 心理特征:高中学生思想活跃,求知欲旺盛,学习态度明确,自我意识


3. 学习能力:学生对过去分词的用法有基本的了解,其自主阅读与表达能力有一定的基础,具备良好的团体协作能力,并能进行有效成功的交流合作讨论。





通过网络或图书馆等途径查找搜集有关科学家对未来生活预测的资料,培养学生利用学习资源的策略;并且笔者结合教学实际对教材内容、编排顺序等进行了调整、删减和补充,将整个单元设计成四个课时。第一课时为Warming-up and Reading, 第二课时为Learning about language, 第三课时为Using language, 第四课时为Listening and speaking。着重培养学生学习运用词汇学习中的猜词策略,激发学生想象力,预测未来生活。



















Period 1: Warming-up & Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words and expressions.

2. Improve the students’ reading skills.

3. Know the more advanced forms of transport in AD 3005 and the advantages and problems of life in the future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Inductive method

2. Pair work & group work

3. Competition

4. Illustration

5. Deductive Method

Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in

1.The teacher can start with daily greetings and try to lead in some words in this unit.

Q1: Where do you come from? Do you live in the downtown or in the countryside?

Do you live in a comfortable surrounding?

Is it a suitable location for people to live in?

What is it made of? (brick, stone, steel, glass, wood, plastic, bamboo, mud…).

2.Q2: No matter where you live, I am wondering how do you usually go to school? (by bike, by car, by bus…)

Bikes, cars, buses and so on can be used to carry people or things from one place to another place, and they are called vehicles. What other vehicles do you know?

carriage, ambulance, jeep, airbus, train, truck, motorcycle, fire engine, …

3.Now let’s take a look at the screen to learn about the development of all the means of transportation.

sedan chair – carriage – bicycle – motorcycle – car – train – aeroplane – space craft

4.Q3: What will the future means of transportation be like? (Time travel)

Well, today we are going to learn a text about time travel.


由日常问候开启话题,通过提问学生家乡情况导入城镇生活,引出不同的建筑材料及交通工具中的生词;然后总结交通工具的发展历史,预测未来的交通方式,引出跨时空旅行,从而进入阅读文章的处理与学习。(由于考虑到Warming-up中的Transport与Houses, Villages,Towns, 以及Location of settlement的联系不大,可单独提出,因此将Transport的发展变化应用于课文的导入中,这样比较科学自然。)

Step 2 Skimming

1.The teacher will ask the students to predict the future life in various aspects as to inspire their imagination and predicting ability.

Q1:What will the future life be like?

2.The students are given several minutes to read through the text and try to find out the changes mentioned in the text.

Q2: Which changes are mentioned in the text?

time travel – transport – air quality – religion – clothing – eating – houses – towns

3.The teacher can ask the students to carry out a discussion about the changes.

Q3: Which changes are good and which are bad?



Step 3 Reading for details

1.Before the journey

Q1: How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they?

Q2: When did the writer write this letter? And to which year did he travel?

Q3: Why did Li Qiang travel to the year AD 3005?

Q4: What did Li Qiang suffer from?

Q5: How did Li Qiang feel? What makes him feel better?

Q6: Where did they arrive?



2.During the journey

1) In the capsule:

Climb through the round opening -- comfortable seats -- calming drink -- lay relaxed -- we rose slowly from the ground -- complete the journey -- 1000 years later -- ?

2) Out of the capsule

Confused by the new surrounding, I was hit by the lack of fresh air

Q1: How did Li Qiang overcome the lack of fresh air?

1. Hovering carriage: .

Q2: How did the hovering carriage float?

Q3: How can a person move swiftly?

2. “A large market”

Q4: What were people doing there?

Q5: What happened to Li Qiang?

3. A large building

Q6: What is a “time lag” flashback?


按事件发生的先后顺序及地点转换顺序,处理文章细节,培养学生抓住文章线索来处理课文的能力。然后根据地点转移,自然地将“太空仓内”转向“太空仓外”,按照作者在太空仓外所处的三个不同地点Hovering carriage, a large market, a large building来处理文章第三段。

3.After the journey

(Arriving home, he showed me into a large bright, clean room.

Description of the house: brown floor, soft lighting, trees, leaves, computer screen, tables, chairs, green wall…

Q1: How did the author feel after visiting the special house?

Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.



Step 4 Consolidation

1.Put the statements into correct order. ( C --- A --- D --- B )

A. We are transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.

B. I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised.

C. I won a travel to the year AD 3005.

D. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.

2.Discussion: Compare the houses, towns, location of settlement of different period of time and predict about the changes in the future

AD 1005: China ---- AD 2007: Modern World ---- AD______ : Your idea

3.A telephone interview with Li Qiang

Ask the students to discuss in group of six and raise as many questions to Li Qiang as possible. Some questions about the problems in future life are recommended.


首先通过对文章故事情节的正常排序回顾文章梗概;其次通过Warming-up中过去、现在的房子、城镇及居住环境的比较来预测未来方的发展与变化;最后设置情景,进行角色扮演,模拟电话采访Li Qiang回顾整篇课文,引出本节课的作业与任务。全面地锻炼学生的总结概括能力以及团体协作的讨论能力。

Step5 Assignment

1.Show some pictures of various kinds of pollution to the students to arouse their awareness of environmental protection and then ask the students what have caused those environmental problems in groups.

Q1: What problems are we facing now?

Q2: What have caused those problems?

2.Show some advanced and imaginative inventions to the students, and try to arouse their imagination to design specific objects for a better future life

3.Assignment: Object-designing

Design an object which can help you change the world for a better future



Period 2: Learning about language

Teaching aims:

1. Learn past participle used as adverbial.

2. Master some important words: swiftly, unsettle, constant, remind, previous, bent, press, link.

Teaching methods:

1. Teach grammar in real situations.

2. Learn grammar through practice.

Step 1 Revision and Preparation

1.Ask the students to talk about the writer’s attitude towards the future life, was he optimistic or pessimistic about the future? How do you know? Can you find some sentences to support your opinion?

2.Ask the students to find out some sentences which can support the opinion that the author is pessimistic about the future life.

1 .Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.

2. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.

3. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

And then ask the students to finish the exercises in their textbook.

Ex.1. Combine these two sentences using the past participate as the adverbial.

1. I was frightened by the loud noise. I went to see what was happening.

Frightened by the loud noise, I went to see what was happening.

2. He was hit by the lack of fresh air. He got a bad headache.

Hit by the lack of fresh air, he got a bad headache.

3.I felt very tired after the long journey. I still enjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station.

Tired after the long journey, I still enjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station.

4. The museum was built in 1910. The museum is almost 100 years old.

Built in 1910, the museum is almost 100 years old.

5. The little girl was frightened by the noise outside. The little girl dared not sleep in her bedroom.

Frightened by the noise outside, the little girl dared not sleep in her bedroom.

6. The student was given some advice by the famous scientist. The student was not worried about his scientific experiment any more.

Given some advice by the famous scientist, the student was not worried about his scientific experiment any more.

3.Ask the students to find out some sentences which can support the opinion that the author is optimistic about the future life.

1. His parents company named “Future Tours” transported me safely into the future.

2. A table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.

3. Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits organized by the company.

And then ask the students to finish the exercises in their textbook.

Ex.2. Combine these two sentences using the past participate as the attribute.

1. Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer. He is called Li Qiang.

Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer called Li Qiang.

2. I am going to buy a painting. It is copied from Vincent van Gogh.

I am going to buy a painting copied from Vincent van Gogh.

3. The castle is under repair. It was built in 1432

The castle built in 1432 is under repair.

4. I like that old private house. It is built of wood and mud.

I like that old private house built of wood and mud.

5. The vehicle is mentioned in the book. The vehicle is unknown to me.

The vehicle mentioned in the book is unknown to me.

6. The room is completely empty. The room is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.

The room connected to the rest of the house by a long passage is completely empty.

7. The queen was sitting in a royal carriage. The carriage was drawn b four horses.

The queen was sitting in a royal carriage drawn by four horses.




1. 作时间状语。 Once discovered, the enemies were completely wiped out.

2. 作原因状语 Moved by his words, I accepted his present.

3. 作条件状语 United we stand, divided we fail.

4. 作让步状语 Although tired, they continued to work.

5. 作方式或伴随状语 The teacher stood there, surrounded by many students.


1) 作状语的过去分词通常与句子的主语存在着被动关系,她所表示的动作通常和谓语动词属于同一时间范畴,也可表示先于谓语动词发生的动作。有时为了强调先发生的动作,也可用having been done.

e.g. Having been told many times, he can’t still remember it.

2). 过去分词的逻辑主语要跟主句的主语一致,否则不能用过去分词作状语,应用状语从句。

(误)Checked carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

(正)If the composition is checked carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.


Step2 Consolidation


B 1. ___ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006全国)

A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising

A 2.No matter how frequently _______, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. (2006广东)

A. performed B. performing C. to be performed D. being performed

C 3._________ and I’ll get the work finished. (2007 重庆)

A. Have one more hour B. One more hour

C. Give one more hour D. If I have one more hour

B. 4. The repairs cost a lot, but its money well _____. (2006 湖北)

A. to spend B. spent C. being spent D. spending

C. 5. _____ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.(2006江苏)

A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing

B 6.When her father, the girl burst into crying. (2005湖北)

A. asking of B. asked about C. being asked D. asked

D 7. The man kept silent in the room unless . (2006浙江)

A. spoken B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken to

D 8. ________, the old man is living a happy life. (2006天津)

A. taking good care B. taken good care

C. having taken good care D. taken good care of

D 9.The Olympic Games, in 776B.C., did not include women players until 1912. (NMET2004)

A. first playing B. to be first played

C. to be first playing D. first played

B 10. from his clothes, he is not so poor. (2006上海)

A. Judged B. Judging C. To judge D. Having judged

A 11.European football is played in 80 countries, it the most popular sport in the world. (NMET2003)

A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

B 12.The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for the president. (MET2004)

A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing

C 13. a reply, he decided to write again. (2005北京)

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not

C. Not having received D. Having not received

B 14.The houses are for the old people and the construction work will start soon. (2006江苏)

A. built B. to be built C. to build D. being built

C 15.If ill, I’ll stay home a good rest. (2006辽宁)

A. to fall, taking B. fall; to taking

C. falling; taking D. falling; take

Step 3 Discussion: Life at present V.S. Life in the future

1. Ask the students to carry out a discussion to compare the present life and life in the future.

Do you want to work for space? What worker should be needed for the space?

2. Ask the students whether they would like to work for space if possible, and then ask them to complete this advertisement choosing these words in their proper forms.

(constant remind unsettle previous bend press swiftly link)

Many people need to be________of the job opportunities on space stations, which _________ need space cooks, cleaners, teachers, and computer engineers. You can be _____ trained with one-year space course and then be ready to enjoy the benefits of working in space. People are _______ at first but soon feel better as families are encouraged to come. For health reasons, only one stay of three years is allowed. So any ______ experience working in space for this length of time means you cannot apply. Many people ______ to stay longer but the _____ between illness and length of stay on a space station is too strong. It is sad but the rules cannot be ___ for anyone. 【设计说明】


Step4 Assignment

Ask the students to write an application letter for working in space.



Period 3: Using language

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words and expressions.

2. Encourage students to master the features of the two alien creatures, and try to compare the similarities and difference between them.

3. Train the students’ reading skills and predict the future humans.

Teaching Methods:

1. Prediction

2. Pair work & group work

3. Comparison

Step 1 Lead-in

1.The teacher shows a video clip from Star War to the students.

2.The teacher shows some pictures of those mentioned creatures from the video clip and ask some questions.

Q1: Where do those creatures live? Galaxy, planet

Q2: How are they different from us humans?

Q3: What do they eat and drink?

Q4: Which language do they speak?


该部分阅读是上一课阅读材料的延续,主要谈及Li Qiang在太空中遇见的两类令人惊讶的生物。因内容与《星球大战》中形态怪异的太空生物有所类似,故笔者采取_《星球大战》片段导入,通过对太空生物的生理形态及生活的预测讨论引出课文内容。

Step2 Prediction and understanding of the title

The teacher asks the students to talk about their own understanding of the title, and try to predict what kinds of amazing creatures will Li Qiang come across in AD 3005.



Step3 Reading for details

1.Ask the students to describe the space station.

Q1: What does the space station look like?

Q2: How about the inside of the space station?

Q3: What can you see inside the station?

2.Ask the students to read through the following two passages and finish the following questions:

Q1: What two alien creatures are mentioned in the text?

Q2: What are the features of these two amazing creatures?

3.Compare the similarities and differences between these two alien creatures in various aspects.

Name of creature Mu-mu Dimpods

Size Tall & thin small

Appearance Face/head/leg Like a cat

Colour Black & white Blue or purple

Personality Friendly Interesting + lovely

Number of arms Six Many

Number of legs One leg / shell Many

How it moves Slowly Skip around fast

Voice Whisper Shout

Food Carrot + cocoa Lemonade + herbs


由于文章结构清晰,内容简单,主要介绍了Li Qiang在太空中遇见的两类生物以及它们之间的比较。故笔者直接处理课文细节,让学生通过阅读找出文中对两类生物的描述,比较它们的特征。

Step4 Discussion

The teacher asks the students to predict about the future humans by referring to the following questions.

Q1: When do the future humans live?

Q2: Where do they live?

Q3: What do they eat?

Q4: Do their body parts have any other special functions?

Q5: What are the features of the future humans?

Q6: How do future humans work and live?



Step5 Assignment

Draw a picture of the future humans, then write a description based on your drawing. 【设计说明】


Period 4. Listening and speaking

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. Encourage the students to make up a dialogue about what life will be like in their hometowns in 1000 years’ time.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listen to catch the main ideas

2. Individual work and group work

3. Cooperative study

Step1 Display the design of the future humans

The teacher chooses several students to come to the front and display their design of future humans to the class. Appropriate evaluation is required.



Step2 Lead-in

The teacher displays a picture of the solar system to the students, and asks the following questions:

Q1: Which planet would be the best residence for humans?

Q2: What will life on Mars be like?


因听力材料描绘了想象中一个在火星上充满奇迹的wonderworld,在那个世界很多高新科技被应用于日常生活与工作中,故笔者从一张有关太阳系的图片导入,引出听力材料中的planet, oxygen, gravity, space creatures等生词,然后向学生提出问题,太阳系中哪个星球比较适合人类生存,让学生对火星生活作出预测,从而引出听力材料。

Step3 Listening for main ideas

□living on another planet □new discoveries in space □space creatures

□why a space station spins □how to get water on Mars □comets

□houses in a town on Mars □Martian creatures □atmosphere and gravity

Keys: living on another planet, atmosphere and gravity, how to get water on Mars, houses in a town on Mars



Step4 Listening for details

1. How can “Wonderworld” make sure there is enough oxygen?

2. How can “Wonderworld” make sure there is enough water?

3. What is the advantage of living in “Wonderworld”?

4. Do you think people will be healthy living in “Wonderworld”? Why?

Keys: 1. “Wonderworld” will provide a covered area for people to live in with a special air supply.

2.collect water from under the planet’s surface – cleaned and recycled – bacteria are

used to clean the dirty water.

3.People may become rich and famous.

4.People will be healthy since they have a satisfactory climate, enough water and sufficient accommodation to live comfortably.



Step5 Prediction & Speaking

Ask the students to work in pairs and list some questions about what life will be like in their hometown in 1000 years’ time by referring to the following sentence patterns:

Suppose that… Do you imagine that…?

I wonder if … Is it possible that…?

Is it likely/ unlikely that…? Do you suppose that…?



Step6 Assignment

Practise asking your classmates what will their hometowns be like in 1000 years’ time.




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