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Planning corporate hospitality

Guest list

Type of event


商务社交 corporate hospitality 演示、展示 demonstration

交往 socialize 士气 morale

有益的 beneficial 容易到达的 accessible

出席者 attendee 职场 workplace

受控环境 controlled environment 专注的 dedicated

研讨会 seminar 联系,关系网 networking

发布 launch 人际的 interpersonal



Any comment on…….?

How do you think of……?

What do you say about….?

What’s your attitude to…..?

Do you have any idea about…..?


Several components come into play concerning corporate hospitality that allows opportunities for colleague and clients to socialize, relax, and work toward valuable professional and business connections in a positive and beneficial way. When planning corporate hospitality events of all sorts, create a guest list first to ensure the attendees and accommodation.

Corporate hospitality provides a controlled environment for seminars, meetings, conventions conferences, and even product launches or demonstrations. Types of event are rendered in the forms of a sporting event, concert, outdoor gathering or other team building event, which add fun and enhance morale.

Location is another important consideration in terms of corporate hospitality, which can be a warm and memorable venue to ensure maximum success and exceed all expectations. And you’d better select a location easily accessible by your event attendees.

The significance of socializing with colleagues and clients outside of the workplace is dedicated to driving sales, building your company’s image, keeping ahead of your competitors in client hospitality and achieving specific marketing objectives, as well as motivating networking and promoting interpersonal skill development.



Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy

Description of the work

Experience needed by applicants


求职者 job seeker 空位 vacant position

联系方式 contact details 工资幅度 salary range

确切地阐述 formulate 福利,津贴 benefit

细节 specific 职业前景 Career path

申请求职者 candidate 包含 incorporate

需要 entail 目标对象 target audience


A good and effective job newspaper advertisement should be clear and informative enough to produce efficient reading for job seekers. In formulating the advert content, several specifics are expected of the candidate. The first on the list is a detailed description of the work, mainly including an overview of the responsibilities, tasks and general scope of work entailed in the vacant position, which calls for attention from potential applicants.

Next, indicate the qualifications you require such as work experience, education, computer skills, organization skill and communications skills needed by applicants, which serves as attraction of relevant interest.

As a rule, most employers or corporations do not advertise pay information. However, if you list a salary range, you will get a greater response. If any benefits, training and career path are available, do incorporate in the advertisement; for they can create desire to pursue what looks like a great opportunity among the target audience.

Lastly, be sure to include a clear instruction for the response and application with the contact details such as address, email, fax or phone on the bottom of your ads.



Delegating work to others

Clear instructions

Choice of person for the task


企业职阶 corporate ladder 亲身动手的 hands on

合同工 contract worker 激发 motivate

详述的、明确的 explicit 分派 allocate

保证 guarantee 反馈 feedback

最大值 maximum 暗示、含义 implication



Because of …..

Due/owing to….


The reason for…. Is…

Given the fact that …., we…..


Anyone on the corporate ladder probably has some opportunities to delegate work to the team staff or to contract workers, which is one way to manage work time more effectively. Clear and explicit instructions should be give in the first place to decide and explain the targets, responsibilities and limits of the work that you delegate, for sufficient information guarantees the work to be done with a maximum of direction.

Then choose the people who have the necessary ability or potential to work on the task and can be relied on to perform the task satisfactorily and responsibly. Choice of person for the task also depends on the development needs of the people involved.

Additionally, advice, support and training such as providing information , possible solutions and giving hands-on assistance in a way motivates progress and inspires encouragement, commitment, enthusiasm and creative thinking in the people concerned.

And allocating and monitoring the progress and quality of work are in delegate’s area of responsibility. Delegated work should be checked regularly whether agreed targets are met with the feedback to identify the implication of necessary revisions to targets. Achievements of targets are assessed to ensure whether someone is performing well, and credit and praise for the successful completion of the task should be given.



Choosing transport for a business trip




一揽子交易 package deal 出发时间 departure time

优待票excursion pass 途中转机、转车 stop over

宾馆预订 hotel reservation 晚点 delay


……other things being equal 同等条件下

It is not uncommon to …. 很常见

…… to seal the deal with 与…..谈妥某事

…… without any doubt….


When choosing a transport for a business trip, convenience should come first. I mean, other things being equal, you should choose the one that takes your minimal effort. In business world, time is money. You don’t want delayed departure time or unexpected stop-over on the way. At the same time, it is not uncommon to refund a ticket or change a one-way ticket to a round trip ticket, if the transportation company can deal with these things effectively, undoubtedly we will choose it. Secondly, cost-effectiveness is also important. If a transportation company can offer us excursion pass, why not make it our choice? Thirdly, the quality of the transportation should also be concerned. A good rest during the trip can make you in a good shape to seal the deal with your business partners. Lastly, if the transporter can offer some package deal such as hotel reservation, it would be a wise choice.



