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1.大量影响理解的语言错误一定会被扣分。4分的评分标准中就有这么一条:A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more than an occasional lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas.评分标准很直接的告诉了我们语法错误以及明显的错误会影响分数,也就是在综合写作中,很多同学会写成:the lecture point out而不是the lecture points out。同时,也可以学会去换同义词语,达到词汇的多样性,比如表示reading的词语就有:the article, the passage, the author, the writer,而表示听力的就有:the lecture, the listening, the speech, the speaker等等。

2.逻辑联系词非常重要!5档评分标准中最后都特别提到“connection of ideas”。这就说明考官需要的是一篇文章,而非一些观点事实的堆砌。考生需要把所得到的观点和事实连成一篇文章。因此,考生一定要记住:综合写作辞藻不必太华丽,但是要尽量避免语言错误,且逻辑关系一定要清楚。在弄清楚内容本身的逻辑关系之外,使用逻辑联系词也是非常必要的。


转折:in contrast, however, on the other hand, on contrary, while

顺序:first, second, third, first of all, secondly, also, finally, in the first place, furthermore, moreover



有时候同学会误以为只要大概讲清楚听力或者阅读之间的关系就可以了,其实不是这样的。有时候同学会用简单点词汇,比如disagree, dispute, argue等直接表达反观点的词汇来表达阅读与听力的关系,而这只是完成了写作要求的一半,根据评分标准我们可以看出,考官需要的是更多的细节辅助,不能只是总结出了阅读和听力的关系。因为对于同学们的总结能力有了进一步的要求。





You school want to improve the quality of students’ life in the dormitory. Which one of the following do you think the school should build in dorms?

1.Quiet study area

2. exercise room for students to keep physical well-being

3. room for entertainment




With the masses increase in affluence and awareness, college students tends to be spoiled with all kinds of well-equipped dorms. Private Jacuzzi, big screen TV set and even tanning salon are not rare on some college dorms. When it comes to the question of what the school should build in the dorm, I personally would say it is in the students’ best interest to build an entertainment room for the following reasons.

Admittedly, a quiet study room can provide a place for students to focus on their academic assignments and an exercising room affords them the opportunities to keep fit and stay in good shape, nonetheless, these facilities are redundant since an above-average university has at least one decent library and a recreation center for students and faculty members. Thus, it is not necessary to include such facilities in the campus dorms, and there are obvious benefits to build an entertainment room with home theater sets and video game consoles.

First off, an entertainment room provides students a chance to get away from busy life and study and switch off. As is known to all, college life can be overwhelming, students are constantly under lots of academic pressure, like presentations, group projects, final exams, so on and so forth. Barely do they have chance to release their pressure, fortunately with an entertainment room, they can watch movies or play video games together. As the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Indeed, recent research on the correlation between leisure time and students’ academic performance conducted by National Association of Psychiatrists shows that a student with certain amount of time spent in doing entertainment activities are observed to have higher grade than those who don’t. Consequently, entertainment room helps to improve students’ academic performance.

Additionally, an entertainment room provides a chance for students to catch up with their peers and bond more with one another. When playing video games or watching movies together, not only can students escape from their busy schedule, but also they can get a chance to talk to other students who also live in the same dorm building. Students who happen to live in the same dorm might have totally different majors and areas of concentration, so connecting with each other can help students to gain more exposure in other fields. Plus, students can use their moments in the entertainment room to get to know others who are from different regions of the country or even from other part of the globe, by interacting with people who are from distinctive culture backgrounds students can broaden their horizons and have unique perspective on different things. Without an entertainment, students living on the same floor might be strangers for four years, which can be a nightmare.

In conclusion, it is more advisable for the university to build an entertainment room since it provides students a chance to switch off, and also students can catch up with their peers and bond more with one another.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career.

(A/D) Young people should try different jobs before they take a long-term career.



Currently, with the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce, the job-hunting has been brought under the spotlight of the mass media. The senior and experts strongly proposed that young people should try different jobs before taking a lifelong career, while the youngsters may hold the opposite viewpoint. As far as I am concerned, the former view is more reasonable, with the reasons listed below.

In the first place, different jobs will equip the young with multiple skills and professional knowledge in various fields. As we know, the completion of every job, simple or complex, requires differing abilities and expertise in certain area. As a result, young adults who take different jobs will grasp the knowledge in a new area and increase their potential capability to a large extent, thus having the well-rounded development. To be specific, to be a waiter or waitress in a restaurant enables us to cultivate interpersonal skills since we may encounter tons of people from all walks of life. Being a manager will help to improve the organizational skills and leadership, because the successful running of a department depends on the ability of leaders. Undoubtedly, those people with more than one skills will have an edge over other competitors in the future job market.

In addition, another conspicuous benefit of taking different jobs before you settle on the lifelong career is that the young have the chances to find the most suitable position. It is never uncommon to hear that many employees who have worked for three or more years complain that the work they take is not what they are good at or what they like. Consequently, their enthusiasm or passion for their jobs is relatively in a low level, which has negative influence on the development of themselves and their company. The best way to deal with the above problem is to allow youngsters to try different types of work at first and take the one which suits them most. The experience of my friend, Kozer, is a good case in point. After graduating from the department of foreign languages in Beijing University, Kozer was recruited by a Foreign Trade Corporation due to his excellent English. Unfortunately, he was too introverted to communicate well with strangers, especially with foreigners. Then he resigned from the position and became a teacher in a high school. The same problem occurred again. Finally, realizing his own strengths and weaknesses from the above failures, he found that the most suitable position for himself was to be an editor for China Daily, the most famous English newspaper, because there was no need to talk with many people in this job.

Admittedly, some opponents may assert that it is not necessary for young adults to try different jobs, because it will waste lots of time and even make them miss out some opportunities. However, the above reasoning is far from the truth. To illustrate, only when we have experienced several different kinds of work can we find the one which most fits for us. So the time spent on every try is worthwhile.

In a nutshell, it is safe to conclude that young people should try different jobs before they take a long-term career, in order to gain more skills and find the most suitable position. (By Zhaobo,548words)


The benefits and drawbacks of job hopping have never failed to be the center of debate among employees and employers, and human resource managers of corporations. While some people believe that constant job hopping brings more benefits than pitfalls, others state that the disadvantages of switching between jobs before settling down greatly outweigh the benefits. Personally, I think trying out different positions is beneficial to one’s future career based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, switching between jobs will make your employers suspicious about your judgment and question your commitment and loyalty to the company, however, the taking different jobs gives a professional countless benefits, like diverse background, broadened social network, better compensation and benefits, etc.

First off, more job experience provides an individual exposure to different industries and more professional experience, eventually it is conducive for someone to find his or her real expectation and ultimate career goal in the long run. In a small company, employees might have intimate and close friendships with each other, and there is no standard procedure of daily business operation. However, in a colossal corporation, employees have a clear professional boundary and they have to follow strict regulations and procedures when conducting business. Having a chance to work in both small and big companies will help individuals to know which type of company fits them best and they can choose their future career according to their preference. Also, having working experience in different industries and various sized companies makes the employees more flexible and adaptable in distinctive working environments. Future employees will value those who have exposure to a variety of challenges and can bring new ideas and changes to the company.

Additionally, working in different companies and industries gives an individual more opportunities to explore new social networks and thus enjoy a much more promising career in the near future. An individual can expand his or her social and professional networks after having worked in different places, where one can plant roots and farm relationships and eventually these connections will prove to be very helpful in the near future. This is especially true in today’s overly competitive job market, a dynamic and active professional network will probably help you to land better jobs in the future.

In conclusion, it is more advisable to take different jobs before settling down permanently since it brings more exposure in different industries, rich professional experience and a more dynamic professional connection


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