

天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞



一.现在完成进行时:have / has + been + 现在分词

1.表示从过去某时开始发生,一直延续到现在且可能延续下去的动作。(将此定义读 5遍)

I've been waiting for an hour but she hasn't come.

He has been running after her for 8 years.(run after: 追求)


I've been wanting to see you for so many years.

Who's been telling you such nonsense.



I have thought of it.(我已想到了这一点。)

I have been thinking of it.(我一直在想这一点。)

Jim has painted the door.(杰姆已将门油漆过了。)

Jim has been painting the door.(杰姆一直在油漆门。)


1. They ________ us since five o'clock this morning.

A. are helping B. have been helping

C. have been helped D. have helped

2. I ________ the book the whole day, yet I haven't finished it.

A. have been reading B. have read

C. am reading D. had been reading

3. Please come in. We ________ about your paper.

A. talk B. had been talking

C. have been talking D. would have talked

4. Such natural resources as coal and petroleum ________.

A. gradually are exhausted B. are being gradually exhausted

C. have gradually exhausting D. have been exhausting gradually

5. It ________ almost every day so far this month.

A. is raining B. rained C. rains D. has been raining


1. You should go to bed. You ________ (watch) TV for 5 hours.

2. I ________ (write) letters since breakfast.

3. I ________ (write) 3 letters since breakfast.

4. Sorry, but Mr. Smith ________ (leave) for Beijing.

5. I ________ (look) for him everywhere, where can he be?





例: write (vt) rise (vi)

主动语态 被动语态 主动 过去分词


现在时 writing being written rising risen /

完成时 having written having been written having risen /


(1)定语 分词置于被修饰名词前


a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping

a running dog = a dog which is running

a broken glass = a glass which is broken

a beaten team = a team which is beaten(beaten 是被打败的意思)

This is the problem discussed at the last meeting.

The problem being discussed is very important.

(2)表语:The book is interesting.

He is interested in the book.

The news is exciting.

He feels excited.


When I woke up, I found my mother sitting beside me.

I'd like to havethis package weighed.



① If you turn to the left, you'll find the station.

→ Turning to the left, you'll find the station.

② As I didn't receive her letter, I called her up by telephone.

→ Not receiving her letter, I called her up by telephone.

③ While I was walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend.

→ Walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend.

④ When she was asked it she had any bad habit, she answeredthat she was a heavy smoker.

→ Asked if she had any bad habit, she answered that she was a heavy smoker.


① Whenschool was over, the boys went home.

→ Being over, the boys went home. ×

School being over, the boys went home. √

② As my homework has been done, I have nothing else to do.

→ My homework having been done, I have nothing else to do.

③ Ifweather permits, I'll start tomorrow.

→ Weather permitting, I'll start tomorrow.

④ I fwe judge from his face, he must be ill.

→ Judging from his face, he must be ill.(这里应该是 we judging ...,但若主语是we, one, you表示“一般人”,主语可省略)





Entering the room, hesaw he. (几乎同时)

Not having tried his best, he failed in the exam. (分词动作在前)


The ships being loaded and unloaded belong to us.

Having been warned of typhoon, the fishermen sailed for the nearest harbor.(渔民先被告知而后驶向港口)



1. The ________ news made them ________.

A. excite / exciting B. exciting / excited

C. exciting / to be excited D. excited / excited

2. ________ an answer from the committee, he was worried.

A. Having not got B. Getting not

C. Not having got D. Having not been got

3. ________, all the quarrels came to an end.

A. The lost money was found B. Was the lost money found

C. Because the lost money found D. With the lost money found

4. Many of our dreams ________ impossible in the past have come true.

A. were considered B. to be considered

C. considering D. considered

5. The hall was so noisy for the speaker to make himself ________.

A. hear B. being heard C. hearing D. heard

6. After a whole day's heavy work, the old worker returned home,


A. hungry and exhausted B. hungry and exhausting

C. hungry and being exhausted D. hungry and exhaust


1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. A





主动语态 被动语态

一般时 to do to be done

进行时 to be doing

完成时 to have done to have been done

完成进行时 to have been doing



To speak good English is not easy.

or: It is not easy to speak good English.

(采用形式主语 it 以避免头重脚轻)

It took me an hour to do the work.


She decided to take the examination.

I hope to meet him soon.


They expected us to help them.

Hewants his son to study hard.


不定式作宾补,如谓语动词是感官动词,使役性动词(see, hear, notice, watch, make, have, let...),则不定式符号“to”须省略,但在被动语态中不能省。

I heard them sing in the classroom.

I made her clean the room.

The girl is heard to sing an English song.

(4)用作表语:To teach is to learn.

His job is to sell cars.


We come to school to study English.(目的)

= in order to

I hurried to the store, only to find it closed.(结果)


He asked for a piece of paper to write it on.

= to write it on the piece of paper.

The poor man has no house to live in.

= to live in the house.

Have you anything to do?

= to do anything


She seems to dance very well.(现在情况)

She seems to be dancing in the dancing hall.(正在进行)

She seems to have danced well.(过去情况)

Has was happy to have been staying with his uncle.(动作持续一段时间)


The doctor recommended him to air the room.

The doctor recommended the room to be aired.

She expects the police to find her bicycle.

She expects her bicycle to be found by the police.

She felt a bit puzzled as he had asked her such a question.

She felt a bit puzzled to have been asked such a question.

6.不定式否定形式:not to do ...

He got up early in order not to miss the train.


1. Did you find out ________ the pie out of oven?

A. to take B. have taken C. when to take D. being taken

2. You would be irritated if you watched the mail ________ on your desk every day.

A. putting up B. to be put up C. to pile up D. pile up

3. We shall set Jim ________ the passage.

A. explaining B. explained C. to explain D. explain

4. In fact, she would rather leave for San Francisco ________ in Los Angeles.

A. tostay B. than stay C. than staying D. than have stayed

5. Madame Curies is believed ________ the radium.

A. discovering B. having discovered C. to have discovered D. to






doing → being done

having done → having been done



Saving is easier than doing.

His coming here will be a great help.

It is no use waiting here, he has left.

It is no goodsmoking.

There is no getting along with him.(简直无法和他相处)


(2)表语:His job is keeping the hall clean as possible.

Seeing is believing.


a. 动词宾语:He admitted taking the book.

I do mind your smoking here.

重磅要点,请读20 遍:下列动词须跟动名词作宾语:

admit, appreciate, avoid, complete, delay, deny, enjoy, fancy, finish,

mind, practice, resent, risk, suggest, allow, permit...

特注:以allow为例:allow + doing sth(动名词作宾语)。但可以:Allow sb to do sth(不定式作宾补)。

这类动词常见如 advise, allow, permit, recommend, etc.

b. 作介词宾语:

He left without saying goodbye to us.

I'm looking forwardto meeting you.(to 在这里是介词)


reading room swimming pool walking stick


His leaving is a great loss.

Mother dislikes my (me) working late.

John's having seen her did not make her worried.



I am thinking of setting a new dictionary.(以后)

He never talked to me about his having been in Paris.(以前)


He doesn't like being flattered.

I heard of his having been chosen to be the coach of the team.


(1)在 begin,start,continue 等词后用动名词或不定式区别不大。

He began writing / to write in 1980.


He stopped talking. 停止讲话。

He stopped to talk. 停下来开始讲话。

Please remember to post the letter. 记住寄走这封信。

I remember posting the letter. 我记得寄出了这封信。

I forgot to lock the door yesterday. 昨天我忘记锁门了。(未锁)

I forgot telling him the news. 我忘了我曾告诉过他这个消息。(做过的事情忘记了)


1.The workers favor ________ funds to build the bridge.

A. to raise B. raising C. raised D. rising

2. No one can avoid ________ by one's surroundings.

A. to be influenced B. having influenced

C. influencing D. being influenced

3. She doesn't feel like ________ tonight.

A. dancing B. to dance C. dance D. to be dancing

4. Does Mr Wang object to ________ her the money?

A. that we lend B. be lent C. lending D. lend

5. I can still recall ________ with him many years ago.

A. to stay B. to staying C. to have stayed D. having stayed


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D


★ 新概念英语第二册第48课:Did you want to tell me something

★ 新概念英语第二册第35课:Stop thief!

★ 新概念英语第二册第95课:A fantasy

★ 新概念英语第二册第71课:A famous clock

★ 新概念2摘要写作参考答案(lessons 3)

★ 新概念英语三册课后练习答案lessons 25~27

★ 新概念英语第二册第91课:Three men in a basket

★ 新概念英语第二册第24课:It could be worse

★ 新概念英语第二册第18课:He often does this!

★ 新概念英语第二册第19课:Sold out


